The Pros And Cons Of Rape

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Rape is considered any sexual act that is forced upon a person. Every year there are more than 100,000 rapes reported in the United States. Victims of rape often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and rape trauma syndrome. The effects of being raped impact the lives of the victims and their families forever.
Throughout history females have been considered the lesser sex, and in some cases have even been considered a man’s property. Today young people are exposed to sexually explicit material at a much younger age than in the past. This early exposure can lead to skewed views of what is appropriate sexual behavior. “In modern society, where people increasingly compete for the same resources, violent acts-including sexual crimes such as rape-are sometimes tolerated, justified, or overlooked by citizens, law enforcement personnel and the legal system” (Hilgenkamp, Harper, & Boskey, 2010).
There are several different classifications of rape: forcible rape, soft rape and statutory rape. Forcible rape is sexual intercourse with a non-willing victim through the use or threat of force. Force does not have to actually occur the victim just has to believe that they will be harmed. Soft rape is where the rapist will use tactics such as coercion, intimidation or the threat of force in order to gain compliance. The last form statutory rape is sexual intercourse with a minor. In most states a minor is anyone under the age of 18 years old, which is usually considered the age of consent.
“Rape is considered to be the most underreported of all violent crimes in the United States, according to Neft and Levine in 1997” (Hilgenkamp, Harper, & Boskey, 2010). Victims of rape often blame themselves for the act and are ashamed to ...

... middle of paper ... the opposite direction.
There is also a risk of being raped inside your own home, where you should feel safe. To reduce the risk of being raped in your home: avoid being home alone with someone you are not familiar with, never open the door before you ask the person to identify themselves, never let anyone know you are home alone, and add security measures such as stronger dead-bolts and security systems. It also is a good idea to take a self-defense class. Most recreation centers have classes available and some police departments can guide you in the right direction. “All of the martial arts-karate, judo, jujitsu, and others-teach people to defend themselves against all kinds of crime, including rape” (Hilgenkamp, Harper, & Boskey, 2010). Rape is never okay and we should all take precautions to ensure that we do not fall victim to such a horrible crime.

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