The Pros And Cons Of Poverty In Education

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Imagine coming home everyday overwhelmed with depression and stress over not having necessities because you are less fortunate or that feeling of prejudice because you are poor and cannot afford name brand clothes. Poverty is often hidden because of embarrassment, disgrace, and the fear of isolation. People are suffering from these hardships everyday. This is preventing them from having so many opportunities that their wealthier counterparts have, including equal access to education. People from less fortunate backgrounds often struggle academically making poverty one of education’s most challenging obstacles.
Children who are isolated from their peers at school will tend to hide in the dark where they feel less vulnerable. They are labeled
Being pregnant at this point in their life creates lack of motivation among themselves to learn which leads them to get frustrated and eventually give up. Resulting in them dropping out of school. “ Unplanned pregnancy and childbearing are also implicated in the failure of many young women to finish their college education. Research shows that 61 percent of women who have children in community college don’t finish their degree, and less than two percent of teen mothers who have a baby before age 18 get a college degree by age 30.” (Olivia Marshall). This is a very common thing that occurs all over the world. Young women are not getting their righteous education because the more important thing that is preventing them to do so is unplanned pregnancy. With this, young mothers in the future do not finish their education. If they want to, it would take years to fulfill it with all the barriers being in the way; such as raising a child, having a job, etc. All these would contribute to their everyday life and it would become a problem to just put all those aside and focus on finishing school, especially when they are in poverty. It cost a lot to go back to school, with them having a minimum wage paying job, how are they ever going to go back and pay for school ontop of taking care of themselves and their
Ranging from being isolated from school to dropouts in school,there are many reason why poverty creates a huge impact on education.Whether it is small or large, it still does a significant amount of damage to a person’s life. Some say that education is the way to fighting poverty, others say that education is the key to success, even if you are in

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