The Pros And Cons Of Pollution

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Have you ever wondered how it would be like 40 or more years from now? Having to walk out of your home with an air mask on, just because it is extremely polluted outside to even be able to breathe? Our environment has been changing so much in the past years, and this continues to be a problem that everyone ignores. Pollution is serious matter and it should be a priority to take action for this cause. Not only for ourselves but for the next and upcoming generations. People ignore the fact that pollution even exist. According to my studies, right now pollution has increased tremendously that our kid’s children have a high chance of dealing with more pollution than what we are dealing with now. The Government should implement new laws to control the amount of pollution companies release by taxing the companies, or encourage American citizens to go green, and use natural solar and energy equipment. Candidates who support these laws will gain greater support during elections.
One of the reasons as to why the government should implement new laws is to control the amount of pollution companies releases by taxing the companies. According to my research, Ramon Benedicto N. Marcelino, a university professor teaching several universities in Manila, says that green dreadful conditions, results in climate change, and has been a crucial concern of both government and non-government organizations as well as international organizations that pursue to opposite of the worsening condition of the environment. Taxing is a good source in the environmental for policies of countries of Europe and the Asia-Pacific Region, as well as the United States, as ways for protecting the environment. Even though taxes have been used for profits purposes, they do no...

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... data directly measures the amounts of aluminum, glass, and plastic recycled. The data protects a wide physical region over a long time period. Timothy explains that Curbside programs were accepted locally and gradually presented over time, so all areas were not unnatural likewise.
According to Paul sparks, the reason as to why issues were being conducted because of wrong doing with not recycling, two studies have shown that evaluating the impression of self-affirmation influences on the people's beliefs and motives regarding pro-environmental actions. Therefore, he believes that in order for change to happen we have to make it happen by supporting one another and being able to collaborate and stick with a good agreement over finding different solutions to implement a new law to be able to help with the climate change, and reduce the way the climate is changing.

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