The Pros And Cons Of Native Americans

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The Native Indian American is among one of the disadvantaged groups in the United States of America and there are two major reasons as to why. One; because the population is so small, they make up about 1% of the total population in the US as of 2013 (Pollard 21). The second reason, I believe, is because of their religious practices which do not always coincide with our constitution. Specifically, their small population makes it difficult for them to advocate for special provisions in the constitution to allow them to enjoy fully their freedom to worship as vested in the constitution (Baron 201). This paper will discuss the how the native Indian American population classifies them as a disadvantaged group among the American population with regards to rights to freedom of worship. The USA’s constitution allows everyone the right to freedom of worship (Fisher 1). However, the native Indian American religious rituals and practices contravene some of the laws of US thus making them illegal. For instance, they use peyote which is an illegal substance but making them illegal limits their religious freedom (Baron 206). Currently, peyote use has been exempted for …show more content…

They believe that the world needs not to be understood but there is should be continuous renewal from generation to generation. They fail to recognize any technological advancement and expect honoring of their sacred places. With these beliefs there have been frequent wrangles between the federal government and the Native Americans. They have always protected their perceived ancestral lands and would go a great length to ensure no activity takes place there (Christopher). The nomadic pastoralist communities rejected the nuclear family system that the government intended to impose on them so as to integrate them into urbanization as they believed it was against their spiritual belief and interferes with their natural

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