The Pros And Cons Of NATO

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The North American Treaty Organization, or NATO for short, is an European/Western organization based on The Treaty of Brussels. This Treaty was considered a “defensive, economic, social, and cultural organization, consisting of Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands...” after World War II. Others joined after the end of WWII, for example, “...Portugal and Spain became members in 1988, and Greece joined in 1995” (CITE). Currently, NATO is a peace serving worldwide organization. As NATO faces problems across the world, and constantly has to fight these obstructions, they find that in their path toward world peace, they spend a lot of resources. One of the problems NATO currently faces is the decision of which countries they should …show more content…

NATO is unsure about their role in the world is, and to what extent they should help others and get themselves involved with others’ conflicts. They could either spend money going to war with these forces causing disturbances, or they could spend money trying to make an alliance with them. In many to most situations, a terrorist organization requires more than just a minor bribe and a treaty to stop them, so NATO finds themselves spending a lot of money on war and bribes. In some cases, like the one in Afghanistan, NATO allied countries find themselves spending money a lot. “The United States is providing approximately US$4 billion of financial assistance to the ANDSF for the year 2016, on a bilateral basis. The Afghan government itself is also expected to provide at least US$500 million per year for the sustainment of the ANDSF” (CITE). In this case, the ANDSF is an organization brought by NATO to Afghanistan to help the terrorist situation there. NATO is constantly preparing themselves for the future and the future’s

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