The Pros And Cons Of Medicare

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In the United States, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid all impact the economy and population in some way. These federal and state programs offer to help meet the income and health care needs of the American people. These programs help those who might not be able to work due to certain illnesses as well as helping those who can’t afford health care. Though, every program has its strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately, with the good, comes the bad and that can mean a need to reform as well. The Social Security Act was enacted on August 14, 1935. The reason it was introduced was so that the elderly people in the United States would receive some sort of income after they retired or stopped working. It was also put in place so that the …show more content…

The major strength to the Medicare program is that it is able to supply people over the age of sixty-five in the United States with medical care. Medicare also provides support for people of all ages who have kidney failure and for people who have certain disabilities. Medicare is federally regulated which gives the beneficiary the option to reside anywhere in the United States without losing their eligibility and benefits. Another strength to Medicare is that it has become a better choice over most private insurance company’s due to its cost. Even with Medicare’s popularity, it does have some problems. Some of the weaknesses in the Medicare program include rather high deductibles and there is not a limit on out-of-pocket spending. This program also does not cover long-term care costs. An issue with Medicare right now is that with the massive amount of people about to enter into the program, “there is a reasonable fear that funds from taxpayers will not be able to keep up with the growing demand” ( Although, this program shouldn’t be brought down, many politicians are concerned with how changes to the policy will affect taxpayers and

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