The Pros And Cons Of Liberal Democracy

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Liberal Democracy is form democracy in which a representative government operates under principles of liberalism. What is meant by this is that the rights of minorities and, especially the individual, are being protected. It is characterised by fair, free and competitive elections between multiple political parties. It’s also characterised by a separation of powers into different branches of government, by the rule of law in everyday life as part of an open society, and by the equal protection of human rights , civil rights , civil liberties and political freedoms of all persons. (history learning site, 2000). Individualism is important in Liberal Democracy. All persons are perceived as unique. They have personal and distinctive qualities. Individuals have the capacity of making moral decisions by themselves, without being interfered with, (individual sovereignty). The individual owes nothing or little to anyone or society. “Liberty signifies a protected sphere of non-interference or independence under the rule of law” (garry, 1986). Liberals believe in meritocracy, as one has to use...

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