The Pros And Cons Of Immigrants

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From the very beginning when life started on the Earth, people have the tendency to search for a better life. They, who are called immigrants, are looking for a better soil, safer environment, and better conditions for life. Not all of them are happy to leave their homes, some of them are forced to leave their country for many reasons: wars, natural disasters, plagues, poverty, personal problems, economic reasons, political oppression, etc. As the time passed by, we reached the modern age where people have no longer that freedom of having a nomadic life. There are rules and laws that they need to follow. They can't go from one country to another without following its law. But many laws that are for the citizens of some countries are not the …show more content…

But do they really deserve to have the same right as the citizens? The country by itself that provides home and shelter for immigrants can suffer from riots or rebellions that native residents could cause. Sometimes the immigrants want even more rights than citizens have. Nevertheless, the disasters and difficulties that immigrants are going through are enough for them to worry about. Don’t immigrants deserve the same rights as all the people in the world? Don’t they deserve to have an honest and decent job in the other countries since they have already finished school in their home country? Or they need to start right from the bottom because they are strangers in the new country? As they come to the new country, from their first steps onto the new ground they are considered as strangers. What they had in their homeland is not that important anymore. If they had a safe job, they don't have it anymore. If they have a degree, they don't have it anymore. It is a new beginning for them. All those years of studying and working hard until late hours to get a promotion or to improve themselves are going down the river as in the new country it doesn't count. Some of them know that this kind of ‘hospitality' awaits them, but there are many immigrants that are leaving their home country against their will. Is it really fair that skilled worker struggles to find a decent job just because native residents think that immigrants will take their jobs? ‘’ Most economic experts who have studied the relationship between immigration and U.S. employment report that immigrants create more jobs than they fill. They do this by forming new businesses, raising the productivity of already established businesses, investing capital and spending dollars on consumer goods.’’ In fact, the immigrants are not taking jobs, they are creating more jobs or filling the jobs that residents don’t

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