Argumentative Essay On Immigration

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Immigrants come to the United States for many reasons. Their home country could be no longer safe, or they might want a better life. Many people come into the U.S. but the process is long and expensive. For these reasons, many cross the border illegally. Immigrants also have to become a U.S. citizen. This process is just as long and it has very specific requirements. “Illegal immigrants under age 30 who arrived in the U.S. before they turned 16 and who have lived in the country for at least five years are eligible for ‘deferred action.’ The new policy requires that these immigrants also have a high school diploma or GED, or that they serve in the U.S. military. Regardless of meeting these qualifications, illegal immigrants with any criminal history won’t make the cut.” ( The policy on immigration is decent. It helps those in need while recognizing what is good for the U.S., but it is not good for the immigrants. The policy on immigration helps those in need. For …show more content…

The process is long and complicated and money is a major issue. They need to have lived in the U.S. for five years, they need to have a high school education or higher or be in the military, they cannot have any crimes on record, and they have to know U.S. history. When immigrants come, mainly illegals, they do not have a lot of money. They spend their money on necessities and do not have any left over for education. This makes it hard to become a citizen and makes the process longer. Also, if situations are bad, they will have to steal to get food or other necessities. If they are caught, they will not be able to become a citizen and they will be most likely deported. Many families are separated as well. The conditions they live in are barely better than the ones they left. They live in poor, crowded communities with very little. However, it is better than the place they left, so they work hard and try to become a

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