The Pros And Cons Of Gun Violence

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BANG BANG There he goes, another student dead. All the media is talking about how that one white kid brought a gun to school and shot himself. No one is asking how did he get ahold of that gun. All the parents are panicking and sending their children to homeschool. Now what? There are so many people who are self hypocrites and say so many controversial things and don't understand the meaning of their statements. Every year 4.2 million people are born. But did you know 31.5 thousand people die every year in the US because of gun violence. Now you may say can this even be stopped Is there even a solution? Well did you even know that gun brokers don't even thoroughly check the backgrounds of their customers. For crying out loud they could be …show more content…

You never know what would happen at any given time. The government should enforce more strict background checks for every purchase of any gun. Now people may say that “I need a gun with me so I can have self defence I won't kill anyone I will just use the gun to scare them away.” Well let's put ourselves in a scenario where someone is in the need of that self defence mechanism. Let's say that person had a gun. That gun is in their purse. The person who is robbing them took their purse. Where does your gun end up now? Can you use your gun for defence or did you play yourself and now you're on the verge of death.That's one example of a person who will say they won't kill anybody but in reality they are actually putting someone at the risk of death. . If we ban all guns, do you think that it's going to be the end of everything? No more shootings, the death rate from gun violence will be lower. The world is gonna be a better place now. Well if you're thinking that then youre wrong. Everyone needs a reality check because they are forgetting about the black market. Gang members and criminals really don't care that guns are banned or

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