The Pros And Cons Of Fracking

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If you are a person who follows news about environmental issues, you might know about fracking. Many companies use this method to extract natural gas from the ground. Fracking can cause many issues, as any environmental activist can tell you. At the same time, fracking can help economically, as any business owner can tell you. Many arguments have risen due to these disagreements about both sides. Fracking, short for hydraulic fracturing, is the process of extracting natural gas from the ground. A well is drilled vertically to the shale layer (where the natural gas is located), then turns ninety degrees and continues horizontally for several thousand feet into the shale. A mix of water, sand, and chemicals is pumped into the …show more content…

The people who the pollution is affecting are the ones who agree to it on their own property because they will be paid for it. Another issue to consider is the economy. Recently, the United States debt has exceeded $18,000,000,000,000 (USD $18 trillion), and the debt keeps rising. Many of this is due to trading with other countries, and a large part of this is the trading of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas). Americans use these fossil fuels for so many reasons, including electricity and cars. Using natural gas to heat our homes and power our cars releases fewer carbon emissions than coal. There are enough fossil fuels located in the shale layer under North American soil to make the United States energy independent, and possibly an exporter of oil and gas in the future. Making use of these vast amounts of natural gas would make the United States less dependent, economically and politically, on unstable countries. OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) takes advantages of these weaknesses, knowing we need the fossil fuels. You could also view it as a way to buy time until the U.S. can harness the power of wind, solar and hydroelectricity in place of fossil

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