The Pros And Cons Of E-Health

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E-Health may have developed as an integral platform for the health industry to build upon and shape itself towards the future but this does not cover the drawbacks that this platform carries along. In spite of all the pros of this field, the cons should not be overshadowed as these cons can be a major setback to the rapidly growing and progressing health industry. Because of the infancy of this platform, lack of standards and initial setbacks like the startup cost, regular maintenance and update, privacy protection and some legal issues have been seen as major hurdles to its development. When the context of an integrated and interconnected platform comes up, the first question that arises is how the platform maintains and protects the privacy of its users. The case of E-Health is similar. E-Health means keeping the medical records of the patients over the …show more content…

With a new framework, anything can turn out badly, the framework could fall flat or the information can be stolen. Despicable employments of gathered data are all potential doors for a claim. Indicting the medicinal services industry has in the previous couple of decades been a lucrative endeavour for lawyers attempting to right the wrong done to a patient, whether by exclusion or commission. When a new system is implemented, an initial setback is always a major hurdle to overcome. In case of E-health the hurdle is the initial training provided to the staff as this can significantly decrease the productivity of the staff. A study conducted by the University of California-Davis found a 25-33 percent drop in physician productivity in the initial implementation phases of the EMR. While ultimately the goal is to increase productivity in the office or hospital, expect to see a significant drop in productivity, and ultimately revenue, in the first several weeks, and perhaps longer. (Palma,

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