The Pros And Cons Of Drug Overdose

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Did you know that more than half of drug overdoses have to be admitted to the hospital, even though only 2% can be fatal ( Girion, Kaplan 1)? Some of these admissions could have been caused by taking the wrong pill or the right pill but in the wrong dosage. Pill boxes have been designed to tell patients how to take their medication. A challenge to facing drug overdose is not knowing how many pills to take, the reason for taking them, and how often to take the medication.

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Listed in the book “Generation Rx” (Greg Crister), It stated, “First: How does today’s lifetime use powerful prescription drugs affect the most important bodily organs” (173). In addition to this, It said, “There is no single answer. After all, bodily organs change as one ages” (need more here--how do the changes in the aging organs affect how drugs are processed in the body?) If you type enough in this paragraph, the next paragraph will go to the next page. That would be great if at least a line or two would drop.
Most people would think that opioid drug overdoses are caused by street drugs. The chart below shows …show more content…

“In 2013, more than 46,000 people in the United States died from drug overdose and more than half of those were caused by prescription painkillers and heroin” (Christine Blank 1). Maybe if these people had used a pillbox, they would not have ended up dead or in the emergency room. These people may not have remembered whether or not they took the painkiller (opioid). Then, they took more. This situation could have repeated itself more than once or twice if the person couldn’t remember, leading to an overdose. Another possible explanation could be that they mistook the pill for a similar looking pill and took too many. A third explanation could be that they did not understand how to take the pill. A properly utilized pillbox could keep any of these situations from

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