The Pros And Cons Of Drones

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How are drones affecting the humankind? Should we allow robots to fight our wars and kill innocent human beings? This are few of the 21st century’s most representative questions. The implementation of unmanned aircraft in the military has had a huge impact on the modern warfare. Instead of helping to reduce the war casualties, drones might be actually responsible for more armed conflicts. Their low cost has allowed too many countries to use them, and their remote control allows for a faster attack than if human lives were involved. However, the American government should continue using its drones because they are cost effective, and they make US military personnel safer. First, drone strikes make the United States safer by eliminating terrorists at a lower cost than engaging in ground or manned aerial combat. According to former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, drones have radically …show more content…

According to Jacqueline L. Hazelton, a specialist in international security and US foreign and military policy, “drones give the United States the ability to mount tactical assaults without necessarily putting US personnel directly in harm's way, potentially evoking domestic opposition. Drones are similar to Special Forces in their direct targeting ability, but they can reach remote locations and, again, do not place US troops directly in peril” (Hazelton). Moreover, drone pilots have a lower risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than pilots of manned aircraft and other battlefield soldiers. According to military studies over health stress for military, “only 4% of active-duty drone pilots are at "high risk for PTSD" compared to the 12-17% of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan” ("Drones ProCon"). Based on all facts that drones do not endanger the American soldiers as the traditional warfare, the US government should keep fund drone

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