The Pros And Cons Of Deficit Spending

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The United States is arguably the most powerful nation in the world, but that comes with a price tag. We have a huge national debt that is sky-rocketing by the second. Our Deficit spending has continued for years and years and there are no signs of stopping. How do we continue to operate when we have more debt than we do income? We operate on a deficit, which has its advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, our deficit spending habits are increasing our debt at an alarming rate, and creates “crowding-out” which reduce aggregate demand, lead to a hindrance in economic growth.
What is Deficit Spending and how does it work
If a nation is in a situation where it needs to spend more money than it is generating through revenue sources like …show more content…

Professor Colin Danby from the University of Washington states that, "Some economists argue that if the highway system will raise future incomes and hence tax revenues over the future, it makes sense to borrow the money to build the highways, and then tax incomes repay the borrowing." This means that we can move faster towards economic growth and improvements on necessity that we would not have been able to if we did not borrow that money. Deficit spending, gives the government additional fiscal power to continue operating. Moreover, if the nation was to fall to a crisis; like another Hurricane Katrina situation we would expect the government to provide government aid to those inflicted with lose from the storm. One factor to note is that Deficit Spending should be compared to the nations GDP, this greatly influences the nation’s ability to continue to operate without reaching Default and not being able to pay back those that lend like in Greece several years ago. Luckily, in terms of the Deficit to GDP ratio the United States is not doing nearly as terrible as other countries (Rittenburg & Tregarthen, p.291) Unfortunately, we have to know that there are disadvantages associated with careless spending of borrowed …show more content…

On the other hand however Deficit Spending comes with a price. Economics Professor Robert Skidelsky from Warwick University tells us that, “Government deficits incurred on current spending for services or transfers are bad, because they produce no revenue and add to the national debt.” When the government borrows money to cover lack of revenue it starts the following process. First, the higher to Deficit the more the government needs to borrow. That leads to the need for an increase in printed money, the more money printed the more inflation rises. Increased inflation leads to higher interest rates. For consumers the high interest rate effects borrowing, less consumption which means less spending, on goods like cars, computers etc. A firm feels similar tension, they are less likely to borrow for increase in capital, if they do borrow they in turn see less profits margins. Ultimately, leading to a recession and more government spending; this process continues in a snowball towards Default. Fiscal policies are made to reduce impact and shock to our economy, one of these items is the Auto-Stabilizers. Another phenomena, is the Crowding-out

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