The Pros And Cons Of Cyber Bullying

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Even though people can’t control what happens on social media websites, people should put an end to cyber bullying because cyber bullying can cause people to self harm and it could lead to suicide and its very cruel to anyone who is being attacked online.
Cyber bullying affects people mentally and physically. It mostly affects teens. It can lead to anxiety and depression, even suicide. Cyber bullying involves technology such as, cell phones, and internet like social media websites. Many things can be considered as cyber bullying. Sending mean messages to someone, spreading rumors about he or she that is untrue through social media websites, or even taking unflattering pictures of someone without their permission then spreading it throughout your school. Posting inappropriate stuff about others online can reflect on them badly when they are trying to apply for college or a job. If things are posted on the internet, they'll never disappear, even if there deleted. (
Cyber bullies think that making fun of others or send someone a mean message online. ...

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