The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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D&X procedure include but are not limited to, "damage to uterine lining...cervix, perforation... of uterus, infection, and blood clots" ("Surgical Abortion Procedures..."). The most horrid side effect of all is death. A woman named Karnamaya Monger was 41 years old and 19 weeks pregnant when she decided to have a late-term abortion. When "she entered [the] clinic and died during an abortion performed there" ("Late term abortion...") she never thought she would ultimately die while killing her baby. How many women have to die until we make late-term abortions illegal? Last but certainly not least, another reason late-term abortion should be made illegal is because women are using abortion as a form of birth control rather than a form of termination …show more content…

"Partial-Birth Abortions Should Be Banned." The Abortion Controversy, edited by Emma Bernay, Greenhaven Press, 2007. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 22 Jan. 2018. Originally published as "D&X (Partial Birth) Abortions,", 11 Apr. 2006. Grassley, Chuck. “2018 March for Life: Grassley Urges Colleagues to Embrace the Sanctity of Innocent Human Life.” Chuck Grassley, 19 Jan. 2018, Gunter, Dr. Jen. “How Many Late Term Abortions Are Really Performed in the United States?” Dr. Jen Gunter, 27 Oct. 2016, Kolenc, Antony Barone. "A Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Would Protect Unborn Children." Problems with Death, edited by David A. Becker, Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 23 Jan. 2018. Originally published as "Legal Failure or Moral Success," America, vol. 191, 29 Nov. 2004, pp.

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