The Pros And Cons Of A Charcoal Grill

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For backyard grillers across the entire nation, there is really one simple, fundamental question that each must answer. That question is this: Gas grill or charcoal grill? There are many things that a person can take into consideration when making this choice. Is convenience the most sought after asset, or are you a lover of the process of starting and taming the fire? Is a quick and easy experience and clean up worth risking the quality taste that could be gained? This question does not have a finite answer, but there are many markers along the way that can point towards the direction of what side best suits the griller's needs. Although there are perks in each type of grill, a charcoal grill provides a more enjoyable taste than a gas grill …show more content…

Not only does searing food caramelize the outside of the food and whatever seasonings you used, creating a one-of-a- kind flavor, but it also gives grilled food those recognizable markings that make your mouth water. ( However, there will be people that will still favor gas with this in mind due to the maintenance of the fire. The maintenance of the fire when working with charcoal grill can be a very frustrating challenge. The temperature that is desired will vary according to the type of meat you are grilling, and controlling the fire will have its obstacles according to the temperature outside and the weather conditions. If it is raining, snowing, if it's windy, those circumstances will disturb the fire and possibly put it out. However, there is a quick and easy solution to this problem. Normally, if the coals were to die, the griller would have to take off the grates with the meat on them, reheat and/or add new coals, and restart the grilling process. With this invention, a University of Southern Florida patent, an extension can be added to a charcoal grill that allows you to add charcoal to the grill without opening it, taking the meat off, and interfering with the grilling

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