The Progressive Era Of The Chicano Movement

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The 1960s was a very progressive era for the mexican americans that inhabited the United States, It was very a progressive era but with every progressive era there are also a lot of hardships leading up to it there were also a lot of tough battle to be fought. The 1960s was a tough time for Mexican Americans living in America, They were discriminated for their cultural differences and were stripped of their rights because their parents weren 't Native born. Being a Latin American was hard in the 1960s everywhere you went you faced prejudice and racial discrimination for being different. The latino american community was taken advantage of in everything including; The restoration of landed, Farm worker rights, Education, Voting and political rights these were some of the most significant ways Latin Americans were oppressed in everyday life.
The 1960s Chicano movement had a lot to do with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1846-1848 that was the result of the Mexican war ending, Mexico ceded land to the United states and American ensured that Mexican landowners would keep their …show more content…

Cesar Chavez urged Latinos to register and vote, He traveled throughout california and made speeches to support the workers rights he later became cso director in 1958. ( )
The chicano movement fought to stop the exploitation of Mexican american migrant farm workers, Mexican Americans were taken advantage of by keeping their wages low so that they stay well below poverty level, children whose parents were migrant workers were limited to three years of education at a time, also they were exposed to poisonous pesticides and the harsh sun for long periods at a time leaving them with many medical problems and being unable to pay for treatments.

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