The President's Character In The US

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A president’s character is of high importance in being able to serve the United States which eventually contributes to their overall performance as a president. Character is measured by many different factors, including decisiveness, appearance and demeanor of leadership, integrity and charisma, the “moral desirability” to do what is right, and how the president contributes to citizens’ overall well-being (Pika 150). There are many ways in which a president’s character is developed. Some of the main factors that may contribute to their character is their social background, education, and career experience (Pika 154). Presidential character may also involve telling “justified lies” to the protect national security or political embarrassment (Pika 151). James David Barber constructed four fold typology of presidential character. The are various combinations of positive and negative and active and passive personalities. Presidents who leave office having accomplished their goals and were well-liked by the public are often hold an active-positive …show more content…

The president’s character is important because he/she’s integrity affects the overall performance of his/her presidential term. For example, it is crucial that president has an appropriate conduct to do his/her duty to represent the United States properly to other nations. If the president is not respected or taken seriously by other nations, the entire country suffers as foreign leaders may punish the United States for the lack of professionalism in the White House. In addition, the presidential character is important because he/she is the face of America. People look up to the president as a leader and it is he/she’s duty is to make decisions based on the majority of the populus, but if he/she is obnoxious, rude, or unprofessional, the president may be a poor example of what the president’s duty is to people of the United

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