The Postal Rule: Use Of The Postal Rule

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INTRODUCTION Postal rule happen when use of the postal email correspondence used in ancient times. Previously, all transactions used from emails correspondence. Our first community used email correspondence to convey to other community but now, correspondence is becoming less used from people. This has resulted in long distance trading. So, law of postal rule was created. If they post the rules of acceptance received by mail, the acceptance will be made on the post itself. This rule is an exception to the basic rule that acceptance must be communicated post on time. This rule applies even if the letter is lost in the post or never arrives at anyone. However, the letter should be addressed properly. If not, the reception will only be made when it is received. Postal regulations apply, including the receipt of a telegram or cable. The postal rule is a concept of contract law is commonly referred to as the mailbox rule. It was established at a time when the contractual bargain deal despite their distance. Bargaining over long distances, often used by mail then have created a problem, because the parties could not know at the same time whether they have formed a contract or not. As a result, the general rule set effective time of receipt is required. Thus, postal rule have been created and stood for the proposition that the acceptance is effective on dispatch. The postal rule is an exception to the general rule, which dictates that acceptance is effective on receipt. The rationale behind the postal rule is that it encourages post contracting by the parties at the distance by making the person in the position of giving an acceptance just as secure as if the contract was being made face to face. What Is the Postal Rule in Contract ... ... middle of paper ... ...gnised that it dealt with real problems. The postal acceptance rule does not apply in every case that happens, even if the parties involved consider the position to be an acceptable means of communication with each other. REFERENCE file:///C:/Users/iphone/Downloads/446-872-1-SM%20(1).pdf

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