The Possibility of Being a True Disciple of Jesus in the Modern World

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The Possibility of Being a True Disciple of Jesus in the Modern World

I believe that to be a Christian you have to be a disciple. Each must

be willing to participate fully in the church to help spread the word

of God and to promote Christianity. At Baptism and Confirmation

Christians promise to follow the example of Christ in their everyday

lives seeking to act correctly and do good. They also publicly

declare their faith in God and they repent their sins. Christians

disciples in today’s world try to witness their faith to others and

follow Jesus along the way of the cross living through today’s


Is this the same as discipleship as described in Mark’s Gospel? If

you examine the key aspects of discipleship: having faith in God,

putting God before all else, putting others before yourself, being

willing to suffer for God, learning about God‘s Kingdom, spreading the

Gospel, following Jesus’ teachings and serving others you can clearly

see that all these aspects are all still relevant today.

However in today’s hectic and increasingly materialistic world it is

harder to fulfil the promises of discipleship.

It may be argued that many people today lack true faith because they

do not attend church regularly but still consider themselves


Nevertheless Simon & Christopher Danes authors of “Mark a Gospel for

Today” say there are over 1 billion Christians Worldwide who still

follow the original teachings of Jesus and his apostles and with ever

growing technology, evangelism is being used increasingly to spread

the word of God, giving more people the chance to learn about God and

his Kingdom and to become Christians.

Many people in their everyday lives put others before themselves and

as a consequence suffer and go without themselves. Many people also do

charitable work for Christian charities e.g. Christian Aid, Tear Fund

and Cafod.

But does this make today’s Christians “True” disciples? Certainly

there are several Christians in the

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