The Positive Effects Of Music In The Operating Room

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Music in the operating room is more common than people realize. It is also a topic that has continuously be debated, with several studies done to get to the bottom of it. Those against music being in the operating room involve topics such as a breakdown in communication, the concentration of the team, and questions such as what kind of music is most effective. On the flip side, some positive topics include the effects shown on patients because of music in the operating room, and some surgeons and their teams find the music to have a more calming and focusing effect on the whole room. Surgery is a team sport, within this team everyone has a role to play and information to receive and give. If this information is taken wrong or misheard bad things could happen. Which is why the breakdown of communication is such a big concern …show more content…

Music has a positive effect on humans, most of the time, and has been found to help patients before, during, and after surgery. Before and during surgery, the music has a more calming effect than anything because of patients being nervous. After the surgery, according to the studies, music has been shown to help with pain management. So, in that aspect music in the operating room is a positive as far as the patients are concerned. For the surgical team, a large percent said that they actually found music to actually help focus them, boost morale, and increase efficiency. Also, in these surgeries where music is being played, sometimes the patients have request for the music during the surgeries, and sometimes the music is the lead surgeons playlist being played. This is significant because, when patients pick their music, it is sort of like the patients acknowledging the positive effect of music during surgery on their own. For surgeons picking the playlist, it is purely for their benefit and that of the

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