The Penalty For Human Trafficking In France

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The penalty in France for human trafficking is seven to thirty years in prison. The government for France is taking this into action, with creating more laws. France’s government release statement stating that they will protect the victims once they get out. Their position on this topic is very clear that they want to get rid of human trafficking completely, but we all know it is not that easy. Today there are estimated over 20 thousand women in the sex trade in France. One step that we have taken was having a national strategy which will help combat trafficking. This plan has three pillars, one is identification and assistance and protection of the victims. Second is to strengthen the authorities on their investigations. Last is just to …show more content…

This means every law enforcement agency within France would be trained. We have to make sure that these offenders serve their time for what they have done. Once everyone knows the laws and penalties this will make a huge difference. Once these other offenders see the amount of time you get for trafficking it will make them think. Officers should be trained with the right knowledge of trafficking. By making this happening we can decrease the theft by kids because they are being forced to beg a steal. The number one overall task we need to start implementing better protection for the victims. Victims will have access to restitutions. France also offers victims a thirty day reflection period to get your affairs in order and in general just get back to regular life. We also want to ensure that these victims receive care regardless of the cooperation of the law enforcement. These rules will be overruled by the National Action Plan adopted in 2014 by France. This act shows the real data behind the …show more content…

The lifestyle is easier for the poor people to get into and be a part of because they have no jobs and food. Poor people go missing and no one ever realizes it because they are poor and don’t have a home or a big social life. We see the effects of trafficking every day with the thing we wear and eat. These victims are forced to make clothes and other products. Clothes is a very big resource of trafficking because many good and clothes are made in china or parts in Europe. Our rice, fresh produce, and coffee are often harvested by these trafficking victims. 136 goods from 76 countries are forced by child labor. Children are forced into harvesting these goods from 76 different countries. This affects most of the economy because most of our clothes and food come from trafficking. Human trafficking is the production of consumer goods, and is occurring everywhere we

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