The Pearl Essay A Few Good Men

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It is early morning, the morning after the day of visiting the pearl buyers, when Kino attacks his wife Juana, is attacked by a group of men, and than proceeds to kill one of those men. According to his neighbors, this is the event that shows his changed personality and his changed system of values. They said they believed he would have never hurt anyone especially his wife, but he did it because he wanted money, he did it because money was now more important than family. This demonstrates the evil that the pearl brings into his life because it makes him more evil and especially more violent. He doesn’t only kill this one person, but he kills three other men that were hunting him.
After killing the first man that attacked him, with a knife, Kino, Juana, and baby Coyotito needed to flee because Kino has committed a horrible crime. At first they decide to take Kino’s canoe, but someone had punched a hole in the bottom of it. This canoe was very special to Kino. He said that it was passed down through generations and it represents culture, tradition, and providing for family. Now that it is destroyed it represent Kino losing his culture and tradition. With no method of escape Kino decided to hide out in Juan Tomas house because their house was completely burned down due to a fire. The …show more content…

In the moment of the fire, and the moments after the fire the neighbors assumed Kino and his family were deceased.Apolonia, Juan Tomas's wife said she was very upset thinking that her family was dead, but was relieved to see them when she returned to her brush home. Juan Tomas remembers being hesitant to let them stay bringing danger upon himself and his family, but complied. He also remembers telling Kino "It is the pearl, there is a devil in this pearl. You should have sold it and passed on the devil. Perhaps you can still sell it and buy peace for yourself." However Kino was no longer focused on the pearl, he was focused on

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