The Parables in Matthew Chapter Thirteen

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The Parables in Matthew Chapter Thirteen

The Parable of the Sower is one of seven parables in Matthew, chapter thirteen that was from familiar ideas and sources, and natural to men. (Broadus, 285) It was normal to see a farmer sowing grain in Galilee. The "truth" is this parable was designed to teach. The varied types of soil are the emphasis in this parable, rather than that of "the sowing of the seed ("word," v.19) of the kingdom." "Jesus called it 'the parable of the sower' because it was a sower who inspired the lesson." (Hobbs, 164) The sower is a Christian teacher or Christ, "but not a prominent figure in the parable." The seed stands for "Christian truth, 'the word of the kingdom', or 'word of God,' because when implanted in the heart and conscience, it grows, develops, and brings forth spiritual fruit. (Dummelow, 672)

In Chapter 13 of Matthew, verse three, Jesus started telling the parables, the first being the parable of the sower. The expression, "A Sower," shows this is not given as an actual, particular occurrence. (Broadus, 285; Criswell, 74) Hobbs, however thinks differently stating, "'the sower', not just 'a sower' or any sower, meaning the scene probably unfolded before their very eyes." Jesus then tells how the grain would fall upon the various kinds of soil. It scattered on the hard footpaths where it had no chance to take root, on the thin soil above the limestone rock, in the soil with the thorny roots, and some in the rich soil, which was free from such. The birds ate the seeds that lie exposed on the hard footpaths. (B, 285; C, 74; D, 672; H, 165) "Here the soil had different capacities, but each yielded a good harvest according to its ability." (Hobbs, 165) "The point of the who...

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... Gospel of Matthew (Valley Forge: The American

Baptist Publication Society, 1886)

Clarke, Adam; ed. Clarke's Commentary (New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press,

no date)

Criswell, W.A. Expository Notes on the Gospel of Matthew (Grand Rapids: Zondervan

Publishing House, 1961)

Dummelow, J.R.; ed. The One Volume Bible Commentary (New York: The Macmillan

Company, 1957)

Hobbs, Herschel. An Exposition of The Gospel of Matthew (Grand Rapids: Baker

Book House, 1965)

Laymen, Charles; ed. The Interpreter's One Volume Commentary on the Bible

(Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1971)

Lenski, R.C.H. Interpretation of St. Luke's Gospel (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing

House, 1961)

Nolland, John. Word Biblical Commentary: Vol. 35 B (Dallas: Word Books Publisher,


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