The Palestine Refugee Problem

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The Palestine refugee problem was created in the course of the 1948

Israeli War of Independence. When the UN voted to partition Palestine

into Jewish and Arab states in 1947, Palestinian Arabs and Jews

opposed the plan. The war that ensued was won by Israel, creating a

large number of Arab refugees. Estimates account for more than 700,000

Palestinian Arabs who fled or were forced out of their homes during

the fighting. These refugees often fled to surrounding Arab countries

such as Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. However the majority also

fled to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, mainly living in camps.

Conditions in the camps are generally poor with a high population

density, cramped living conditions, shortage of food supplies, poor

housing in the form of tents, and inadequate basic infrastructure such

as roads and sewers resulting in the death and sickness of a number of

the population. The main aim of this investigation is to explore

whether a number of available sources allow us to come to a firm

conclusion on whom or what was is to blame for the increasing

Palestinian refugee problem. These sources vary in a number of ways

such as the format that they come in as some are written sources where

as others are pictures or television programs. The sources also come

from a variety of different viewpoints and from different sides of the


Firstly, we analyse source A. Source A is from a pamphlet written by

the PLO in 1984 and is therefore a Palestinian view of the problem. It

tells us that the party to blame for the Palestinian refugee problem

is the Israelis and different Zionist groups such as the Stern Gang,

Haganah and the Irgun. It is blaming these due to their brutal attacks

on the Palestinian villages including Deir Yassin. The source as like

any other has reliability issues. On the positive side, it is a

secondary scope therefore meaning that it has a wider scope and

perspective as it can take into account the events that took place at

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