The Outsiders Book Report

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Outsiders Essay The Outsider written by S. E. HInton is a magnificent novel. Full of different types of emotions, and characters. It tells a story of a young teen and his buddies and life around his town. It’s both heartwarming, angering, and mournful. It’s overall a great book. I thought it was a good read. It just depicts what life was kind of like back then, gives you an insight on the past. Insight on people's’ feelings and lives. I liked most of the characters really. I love how they are all unique and different in their own ways, and how they all stick together. How they stay as a gang, a family; helping each other stay up. But if I had to choose one from all of them I’d have to pick Dallas Winston (Dally). He is a mysterious character in a way. He is cold hearted and mean on the outside, but we don’t really know what he’s like on the outside. We kind of get a little insight on his emotions when Johnny dies but that’s pretty much it. He is careless, a rouge. He doesn’t care one bit …show more content…

I’m not too bubbly like Soda, but not too rough like Dally. I guess I could, out of all the characters in this book relate to Pony. Also him because we get the most insight on his feelings and how he reacts to certain things. I’m not much of a reader (as I used to be really), but I do read here and there, frequently if I really enjoy the book. I would get into lots of fights with my sister, not too much now though. But I do just hope for a decent future, a not too bad one. I just want to live my life the best I can. Get things done, go places I’ve never been and would like to go. And kind of like Pony, I’m a bit of a quiet person. Not super quiet but somewhat. I don’t talk a lot, I will if I have something on my mind or other reasons. But as you can tell, Pony and I are two different people, totally different. With individual lives and

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