The Other Wes Moore

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Why extrinsic is More Accurate to Life In Relation to the Other Wes Moore In the book titled the other Wes moore it follows the life of two boys growing up in the same area with the same name, but go through wildly differing life experiences. Alongside telling the two stories in a unique and interesting way it also goes to support a claim about how people are defined extrinsically, rather than intrinsically. While genetics do exist and have a role in your life, it shouldn’t define your mentality and decision making because as I have stated before that’s all defined extrinsically. You only know how to speak and act how you do simply because whoever raised you and whoever is around you influenced you to be the way you are. While people …show more content…

As a child you were more than likely very innocent and ignorant, you didn’t know much because the people around you and your own experiences haven’t taught you much, and as the ignorance of a child would have you think whoever you look up to is who you should be like. This is further evidenced by the time in which the Other Wes was partaking in illegal activities just because he saw his brother do it and it looked “cool” to him. How his brother got to where he was, was most likely the influence of some other person and it goes on and on. Also what’s worth noting is my statement about the other Wes looking up to his brother is also very well founded, as stated from an earlier chapter, (pg. 72)“Tony was the closest thing Wes had to a role model. But the more he tried to be like his …show more content…

While you can have the most outgoing, smart, and or likeable mindset and personality, if people with power won’t let you make money, what are you supposed to do.Think about how Other Wes wasn’t able to be regularly employed anywhere because of his actions in the past, but while he’s in the corp he has loads of ambition and drive to be a good worker” ”. Money and success are concordant to each other, to have success you have to have money and to have money you need success (or at least in the given context of the debate). Bottom line is how do you expect to achieve anything without money and the effects of your environment, if you were trapped in the middle of the ocean the only degree of success you’d probably get is surviving another day. If you say that’s intrinsic fine but my idea of the central themes within the argument is, what keeps you off of the streets and making large sums of money, so in this environment (emphasis) realise that there is no way to be successful without resources of your own, like ways of gaining any knowledge necessary to be

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