The Not Do Long Arm Chapter Summary

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“The Not So Long Arm” drawn by Bill Day on the date of 08-30-2017 depicts how former congressman David Rivera was able to avoid prosecution for illegal campaign finance activities through abuse of the statute of limitations.The cartoon appeared on the website on Aug. 30, 2017. What is displayed in the cartoon demonstrates the pitfalls of the statute of limitations and the underhanded tactics of politicians. The way Rivera avoided being prosecuted for misusing campaign funds clearly shows the true face of Rivera, as well as how the system in place can be cheated by witty politicians. The author is arguing that the statute of limitations is used by politicians as a means of escaping prosecution. In “The Not Do Long Arm” …show more content…

The calluses on the hand implies that the hand in “The Not So Long Arm” displays implies that the arm of the law may have been after Rivera for some time, but may also mean it had been having trouble catching other politicians as well. The lack of ability to catch Rivera is shown in the second panel as it clutches the statute of limitations, so it is probable that it is having trouble with other politicians as well. It is difficult to prosecute a politician who isn’t present, as for a lack of a significant amount of evidence. Clearly the legislative branch of the government saw this to be an issue, as the new law limiting the statute of limitations passed unanimously with only three people absent in the National Legislative Assembly (Chanwanpen). The passing of this law is sure to please the artists, as he depicts Rivera as cheeky and shrewd. With the new law politicians will not be able to avoid the judicial system and proper prosecution, which will probably spark a decline in political cartoons such as this one. The law is intended to stop what the cartoon is satirizing: the way politicians maneuver through the judicial

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