The Negative Effects of Imperialism in Africa

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Imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through

diplomacy or military force. In the 20th century many European countries attempted to colonize the great continent of Africa. Europeans saw Africa as an area they would be able to profit from, as it had a great climate, good size, and some phenomenal natural resources. While the Europeans divided the continent of Africa they failed to see the possible negative effects on themselves, and the indigenous people of Africa. Their foresight was limited to only the positive outcomes.

After the Europeans began to colonize Africa, they saw great results rather quickly. European influence had caused the opening of many lumber, mining,and planting corporations, as well as many other means of wealth. Document 4 shows this when it says, “...who were largely responsible for the for the opening of the region to the lumberman, miner, planter, and other means of wealth.” By having colonies in the prosperous continent of Africa, countries would have a terrific source of income. By having a colony in Africa, Europeans would have easy accessibility to cheap labor, and be part of the slave trade. Document 1 shows this when it says, “These holdings are worked by natives under their direction. The foreigners take wealth out of the country. All the hard work is done by the enslaved natives.” This would make an already outstanding profit into an even better one. There are many positive effects for the Europeans when they conquered Africa. However, some may argue that the negative effects outweigh the positives. The want to conquer Africa often led to violent conflict, this led to many battles, and wars, resulting in a lot of money, and men lost. Document 7 shows this when it...

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...vided the indigenous people with security of person, and property in land. This is shown in Document 4, when it states, “For all its faults, colonial government provided security of person and property in lands…” This turned what used to be a uncivilized place, into a place in which had many rules to help the citizens. The European also opened many industries in which were new to the continent. This provided many jobs to the natives. We can understand this when Document 4 states, “...who were largely responsible for the for the opening of the region to the lumberman, miner, planter, and other means of wealth.”

As you can see, The Scramble For Africa had many effects. Both positive and negative for the Europeans and the indigenous people of Africa. Such as death, slavery, rape, feeling self-conscious, loss of money, jobs created, and prosperous industries created.

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