The Negative Effects Of Bullying And Social Media

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Harassing is not present when it comes to use of pressure to abuse others in schools or throughout social media. Bullying and harassment may include verbal bullying, cyber bullying, text bullying, etc… and may occur as part of workplace harassment or school bullying. A good example which who got bullied and harassed through social media and at school was Amanda Todd. Amanda Todd was a 15 year old who began like no other teenager being bullied, abused, harassed, and stalked online and in person. Knowing that Amanda Todd was bullied and harass through social media when she was introduced to anonymoused person on Webcam who flattered her so much to the point she was convinced by that person to show her topless body to him. After sending her topless …show more content…

Bullying and social media is leading also a enormous problem on Facebook and all the different applications out there which have to do with social media. Social media death rates have increased the last few years on teenagers using social media on their cellphones and the school’s code of conduct haven’t been doing anything about these serious problems from teenagers taking their lives away or being harassed through social media by the victim. Understanding the values about kids getting harassed or harmed in person or online can cause a huge majority issue for the victims being bullied or leading the victim to commit suicide over a mistake they created by sending nudes to the wrong person with a fake profile. Teenagers who cause a problem by picking on a kid on Facebook, instagram, twitter, Snapchat, etc… don’t realize that their creating a big part and a bigger issue on harming that person by not realizing their really harning that one person 's feelings or heart at the same time . Don’t be a victim to bully others for the looks or how they dress, not everyone is perfect or have everything as others. For instance, “I’m going to kick your butt” is an example of a comment that can still get a bullied in trouble. How the bullied is using those hateful words, can determine them in many different ways to hurt the victim. Also many teenagers don’t understand still how deleting a picture, doesn’t really delete from social media and can still be accessed from anyone. When amanda todd sended her pornography picture at a young age to the man to the shadows. She didn’t realize her picture was going to be on social media forever. Once pictures or any posts deletes can be accessed from anyone online. Also amanda might not haven’t had her information private so one could of gotten her information by that person she wasn’t friends

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