The Nazi Police State

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The Nazi Police State The Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei) was Hitler's secret state police. Under the command of Reinhardt Heydrich, they were employed to identify and bringing justice upon known and potential opponents of the Nazi regime. Heydrich was the right-hand-man to Heinrich Himmler, the chief of German Police and leader of the SS and there were strong rivalries between the two. This was endorsed by Hitler as he felt that these rivalries made sure that no one was ever able to challenge Hitler and/or his position of Supremacy The opponents of which the Gestapo were to bring justice upon consisted of Communists and Socialists (basically any opposing political party followers. On top of that, Jews, homosexuals and gypsies were punished. Although they were almost entirely innocent to the 'crime' of opposition to the Nazi party, Hitler's anti-Semitic views of their societies lead to the prosecution of 162,734 people by April 1939. The justice brought upon the opposition was what was called 'Protective Custody'. This was the imprisonment of anyone arrested under suspicion of opposition without trial of any form; the Gestapo could imprison whomever they thought as opposition without any evidence. They were an organization outside Jurisdiction, including that of the courts. Alongside this huge number of people in Protective custody, a further 21,000 people were put into labour camps, these run by the SS. Many Jews, gypsies and homosexuals were beaten, often to death, and although the numbers of deaths of these types are unknown, 534 death sentences were carried out officially between 1934 and 1939. The Gestapo were arresting, be... ... middle of paper ... were Jews, opposing party members, gypsies and priests. It has to be considered that at this point, no Jews were placed in concentration camps, and the holocaust was not for at least another few years. So, up to 1939, I think that life was a great improvement for a huge number of people, they were being paid 10 times that of which there were receiving when on dole. The KDF improved leisure, and the National Reich Church gave many an alternative sense of belief. At this point in history, life was at a high for German citizens, but the immediate future was to be the darkest in the history of Europe. SOURCES: The World This Century: Working With Evidence -Neil DeMarco Various web pages through The 3rd Reich - Hitler's Germany 1933-39 -Birkdale School project reference sheets.

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