The NSS, a Constructivist Approach to the World

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‘If you are going through Hell, keep going!’ When he was sworn in on January 20, 2009, the newly elected President Barack Obama could have had in mind this quote from Churchill for he was facing not only a still unstable new world order inherited after the end of the Cold War, but also an economic crisis qualified by many specialists as the worst since 1930. The political equation required to solve the problem wasn’t to be found on a dusty shelf and needed imagination. Therefore his democrat administration carried on building the policy and the strategy mentioned during the campaign. Highly influenced by Clinton’s, bound to initially follow the steps of the previous Bush era, they traced a path based on a comprehensive approach to the situation they were facing. This led to an inclusive response, involving any available actor. In terms of security, the answer is stated in the National Security Strategy (NSS) released on May 27, 2010. The NSS combines the three theories (Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism) governing US behavior in the realm of international relations. In the meantime, it meticulously follows the precepts of Smart Power promulgated by Joseph S. Nye. Nonetheless, Obama’s deliberate will to influence the rules of international relations, relying on a holistic approach of the world, obvious in the second part of the NSS (Strategic Approach), is indubitably constructivism. An analysis of the president’s ends, ways and means will highlight this thesis. The goals sought in the Strategic Approach of the NSS are US leadership, security, a robust economy, respect for universal values and a collaborative universal order providing peace, security and opportunity. American leadership will be strong and responsible across ... ... middle of paper ... Theory and History, ninth edition, Joseph S. Nye, Jr. and David A. Welch, Pearson, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2013 NSS p8 Ibid Ibid NSS p10 Ibid NSS p11 NSS p12 Ibid NSS p16 NSS p14 Ibid NSS p15 Bibliography: - Churchill, Winston, in Finest Hour, The Journal of Winston Churchill, accessed 9/7/2013 p.31 from - Gallemore, Galeb, in the video ‘Theory in Action: Constructivism’, accessed 9/7/2013 at - Nye, Joseph S. and Welch, David A., Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: an introduction to theory and history, Ninth edition, PEARSON, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2013 - Obama, Barrack, 44th President of the United States of America, NSS 2010

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