The Mysteries Behind Our Unconscious Mind
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled." ― Plutarch
Our mind is the most powerful weapon in this universe, it has the ability to control mostly everything in life but only if we know how to program it and control it correctly.
There are so many mysteries about our minds that we don't acknowledge, and for some reason It is hidden from us. So have you ever wondered if there was a secret behind its hidden mysteries or power?
Our brain itself is an intricate organ, it consists of many parts but the purpose of this research is to learn more about the unconscious mind.
In general we all know that the unconscious mind consists of the thoughts in the mind that occur automatically, and include thought processes, memory, affect, and motivation but let me show you the power behind it these automatic thoughts.
Basically our unconscious mind is that part of the brain that functions 24/7, but we essentially do not notice it. It holds a huge amount of information and some that we may come across just once, but our brain never lets anything pass by it automatically processes it in our unconscious state of mind whether it was something we saw or even heard, its also the source and storehouse of our emotions; and it is often considered our connection with Spirit and with each other.
The unconscious mind holds all awareness that is not present in the conscious mind. All memories, feelings and thoughts that are out of conscious awareness are by definition 'unconscious.' It is also called the subconscious and is known as the dreaming mind or deep mind.
An iceberg can serve as a useful metaphor to understand the unconscious mind, its relationship to the conscio...
... middle of paper ... stop feeding your subconscious mind with negativity; you develop confidence in yourself to handle any given situation with positive attitude, and getting rid of these thoughts is by feeding your own mind with positivity.
Make a conscious effort to filter away the impurities and focus on all sort of positivity so that it goes into your subconscious mind and gets stored.
" if you make a choice, you change the future" - Deepak Chopra
This quote basically sums up everything related to our control over our unconscious mind because nothing gets lost, even our simplest thoughts.
A one must always dream and obtain a big imagination because all of our thoughts are what create our lives. So we must feed our minds with positivity and let go of negative thoughts because problems are illusions we create.
The future is in our hands we decide if we want a good one or not.
Neuroscientists claim that due to unconscious brain activity, we are “biochemical puppets” (Nahmias). Through experiments conducted by neuroscientists like Itzhak Fried, neural activity is shown to occur before a conscious decision is made. Fried concluded that this was a predetermined occurrence
Chapter 4 discusses the several states of consciousness: the nature of consciousness, sleep and dreams, psychoactive drugs, hypnosis, and meditation. Consciousness is a crucial part of human experience, it represents that private inner mind where we think, feel, plan, wish, pray, omagine, and quietly relive experiences. William James described the mind as a stream of consciousness, a continuous flow of changing sensations, images thoughts, and feelings. Consciousness has two major parts: awareness and arousal. Awareness includes the awareness of the self and thoughts about one's experiences. Arousal is the physiological state of being engaged with the environment. Theory of mind refers to individuals understanding that they and others think,
Eagleman talks about unconscious learning, and explores how much of what we do daily is learned and directed by the unconscious mind. The first example is changing lanes: when we’re driving, we do it without thinking. However, when asked to describe how they change lanes, many people are flummoxed. Changing lanes is so automatic that when the conscious mind tries to take control, it confuses our brains and our gears become out of sync. The second example is chicken sexers: people who can sort chick hatching even though male and female chicks look exactly alike. The third example is plane spotters: people who could distinguish between enemy and ally planes thousands of feet in the air. In both cases, the people just knew! They couldn’t explain how they knew. Rather, after trial and error, their unconscious picked up on the slight cues that allowed to them tell the difference. The conscious mind, on the other hand, was unaware of this
The unconscious mind can be explained in various ways and can take on various attributes. Carl Jung the author of “The Archetype and the Collective Unconscious,” defines unconsciousness as the first reactions and interactions a person endeavors. Several Physicists believe that the unconscious mind acts separately from our voluntary thinking. Scientist believes that understanding the unconscious mind is key to determining what type of archetype a person may have or develop. Experiments such as, reaction to stimuli, have lead cognitive psychiatrist to determine the strength of the unaware and involuntary mind. In addition, many social physicists have also believed that the unconscious mind is unaware of it actions and that the unconscious part of our brain can sometimes be focused on several signs that our conscious self can’t see.
...hey will not focus just on that because in life one cannot just focus on the negativity, they must balance it out with both good and bad. If one did not then many would be running through the motions of life, instead of experiencing them one at a time.
In his novel entitled “ Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking”, Malcolm Gladwell addresses that adaptive unconsciousness can be trained because the mind is able to predict very well from such little information. First impressions shape our entire judgement. Adaptive unconsciousness is a set of mental processes that influences our decisions we are unconscious about making. It is the mind’s instinct to come to these conclusions. The mind is able to sort out information, make sense of it or a connection, and come to a rapid, concluding statement within the first two seconds of being exposed to a stimulus.
An attempt to understand and grasp what the mind truly is has paved the way for new fields in research. First of all, the mind is elucidated as “the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought.” Based on that information it can be assumed that the mind is like our window to the physical world, but it is crucial to note that certain aspects of our personality define it. Additionally, our perceptual experiences are deemed to be influenced by a stimulus that arrives at our sensory organs and have the power to cause changes in our mental states. But, how is it “possible for conscious experiences to arise out of a lump of gray matter endowed with nothing but electrochemical properties (wiki)?” This is precisely where psychologists come into play since they focus on understanding people, the mind, and human behavior. Psychologists perform countless experiments and research studies in order to elucidate on how we act, feel, and think, and additionally treat mental illness...
A public speaker, business consultant, and Olympic speed skier, Vince Poscente believes in the “elephantine” potential of our unconscious minds. Poscente likens the dynamic between the conscious and subconscious minds to an ant and an elephant: In his introduction he leads off with, ”Our minds are separated into two distinct spaces – conscious and subconscious thought. Our ant is the intentional part of the brain, but our elephant is the instinctual, impulsive part of the brain that houses emotions and memories and even guides the body to perform vital functions. While we tend to know our conscious minds – our ants – rather well, we often overlook the power of our elephantine subconscious minds. When we do, unfortunately, we squander a wellspring
“Consciousness is defined as everything of which we are aware at any given time - our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions of the external environment. Physiological researchers have returned to the study of consciousness, in examining physiological rhythms, sleep, and altered states of consciousness (changes in awareness produced by sleep, meditation, hypnosis, and drugs)” (Wood, 2011, 169). There are five levels of consciousness; Conscious (sensing, perceiving, and choosing), Preconscious (memories that we can access), Unconscious ( memories that we can not access), Non-conscious ( bodily functions without sensation), and Subconscious ( “inner child,” self image formed in early childhood).
Numerous speculations have been advanced to clarify the relationship between what we call your mind and your brain. They incorporate Jackson and Nagel 's journey to oppose recognizing what we call 'mental
We all live in the world, which is full of sadness and disappointing. We see people dying, poverty, unemployment, etc. However, there are a lot of positive things in the world: children, who are born every day, people, who get new life opportunities, happy marriages, etc. The greatest gift is to see the positive sides of life, without concentrating our attention on negative. According to Winston Churchill, a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. In my opinion, it is really true, because the positive or negative attitude towards life can highly influence our chances to success, feelings and even health. Positive thinking can be the best treatment for those, who don’t know what to do, in a problematic life situation. Optimistic attitude can help the person to live longer, recover faster from the mortal diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease, and avoid alcoholism and psychological problems(like depression).
Their knowledge in the unconscious system is repressed and unavailable to consciousness without overcoming resistance (e.g., defense mechanisms). Thereby, the repression does not allow unconscious knowledge to be completely aware; rather, it is construed by means of concealing and compromise, but only interpretable through its derivatives dream and parapraxes that overcome resistance by means of disguise and compromise. Within the preconscious system, the contents could be accessible, although only a small portion at any given moment. Unconscious thought is characterized by primary process thinking that lacks negation or logical connections and favors the over-inclusions and 'just-as' relationships evident in condensed dream images and displacements. Freud asserted that primary process of thinking was phylogenetically, and continues to be ontogenetically, prior to secondary process or logical thought, acquired later in childhood and familiar to us in our waking life (1900, 1915a).
...nd the good in every experience, particularly when the experience is really a very negative one. Being negative has never been seen as a good thing, nor has it been very greatly encouraged by the. With negative thoughts comes stress
-You’ll be able to give hope. Like said earlier, when you replace fear and negativity with positive thoughts or resolutions,
The unconscious is the largest part of the mind. All the things that are not easily available t...