The Moveable Feast

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An extremely peculiar video, which cannot be quite considered as a traditional part of our daily lives. “Next Floor,” also known as the “Moveable Feast”, is a short film released on 2008, in Canada, created by Phoebe Greenberg’s brilliant mind, containing grotesque aspects of eleven exorbitantly wealthy individuals with avid consuming minds and ideals, showing a sequence of unexpected events upbringing the endless consume of meat in abundance, definitely fulfilling total unnecessary needs of hunger. A film which many critics/bloggers have found “macabre” (Maurie Ayloff, or even black comedy (Michael O'Sullivan, Washington Post).

Personification is precisely used in this short film, for a better description of the scenario itself. The gloomy and dark scenario given to the video, besides its mysterious and quite intense music in the background, gives off a surrealistic situation as the waiters in the room present a variety of dishes of all kinds, a bizarre fare of meat after other meat dishes, non-stop. Examples shown in the video would be: a deer with its internal organs jumping outwards, pieces of brains in shells and myriad other full-sized beasts with full fur on them, needing yet for it to be removed. Through the wordless short film, the guests, who are of a class, only communicate through …show more content…

People have been unnecessarily buying clothes, quantities of food in excess, unneeded objects, among many other things, simply to fulfill their desires, which is exactly what the short film tries to conscientize the audience of, our own bad habits. By using disturbing images of wild animals with their guts exposed, the viewers will indeed feel disgusted and perhaps horrified. Therefore, certainly reflecting our actions back to ourselves, demonstrating how over-consumption and gluttony can be

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