The Most Important Aim of the Foreign Policy 1933-36 was to Overthrow the Treaty of Versailles

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The Most Important Aim of the Foreign Policy 1933-36 was to Overthrow the Treaty of Versailles

The Weimar Republic was declared on 9th November 1918, although its

first elections were on the 19th January of 1919 out of the defeat of

the First World War and lasted until Hitler abused Article 48 of the

Weimar constitution in 1933 to turn Germany into a totalitarian state.

The republic faced unpopularity right from the beginning. In June

1919, the German delegates were forced to sign the humiliating treaty

of Versailles in which Germany was forced to accept full

responsibility for the First World War (Article 231) and to pay ?6.6

billion in reparation because they could not afford to go back to war.

Germany's coalition government did consider restarting the war instead

of accepting the terms but Germany was too weak. There was also the

'Dolchstoss theory', the stab in the back theory in which it was the

Politicians that brought the Germans out of the war when they were so

close to victory.

All of these problems provided the basis for some of the other

problems which the faced the new republic. Austen

The Allies drew up the treaty based on the 'war guilt' clause, article

231, which stated that Germany was responsible for the outbreak of

war. This meant the Allies could impose reparations, reduce Germany's

armed forces and take resourceful territory, calling it a punishment

because they could not afford to go back to war. Germany's coalition

government did consider restarting the war instead of accepting the

terms but Germany was too weak.

The treaty only allowed Germany to have an army of 100,000 men and

there were on average seven applicants for each place. The short term

impact of the army reductions were disastrous, however in the long

term this aspect back fired on the Allies as such a small army meant

they could be trained to be an elite force, and it pushed people

towards unofficial armies such as the Nazis.

The Treaty of Versailles seemed to cause a very large amount of

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