Everyone knows of a “band geek” rather it be in school, movies, spongebob, in the parade, or in the music video You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift. When people hear the word “band geek”, automatically they think of nerdy, ugly kids that hide behind their glasses and maintain social isolation by practicing their instruments for hours at a time. A band member has the misconception of being a “geek” hence the fact most call them “band geeks”. A band geek is a person who participates in band, who absolutely enjoys it so much that they constantly have band on their minds 24/7. In my experience, band members are social butterflies whom are lovely people with a passion for music, have amazing school spirit and don’t just have band on their minds. …show more content…
Band is an elective given in elementary schools through college schools around the world. Many schools come together and compete with one another. School bands also perform at football games, basketball games, and in parades. Most school marching bands are accompanied by a color guard, a group of performers, who add a visual interpretation to the music by using props, flags and rifles. A school marching band apparel includes a military type of style, the school's colors, along with the school's name and mascot. It is important to have band as an elective in schools because it helps kids display their emotions and maybe for some it is a hobby. Band directors have said that having band helps young emotional development, helps contribute to a more intellectual culture, builds teamwork and self confidence. It is hard to imagine being in this amazing class and coming upon these out of the box stereotypes and misconceptions of being a nerd, lazy or unathletic. These stereotypes and misconception mainly come from basically movies, shows and books things that are being aired. For example, a kid show, spongebob, kids from ages three to twelve are watching these shows maybe even teens and adults. A spongebob episode fifteen, season two is titled “band geeks”, putting this low degrading name on the group of kids performing at football games with instruments …show more content…
Another common misconception about band geeks is that they start every sentence off with “this one time at band camp” this is only partly true because not all bands kids go to band camp some just take the class during school but on the other hand it is because they some some do spend most of their time at band camp said from a video on youtube. The girl in the youtube video also says a common stereotype about band geeks is that all they wear are band shirts which she admits herself because she is one is that it is mostly true in her book because that's pretty much what she wears. Although these stereotypes and misconceptions are some what true for her they may not be for other band kids. Because guaranteed not all band kids may have the money to buy a new shirt every time a new one is out of maybe have the money to go to band camp or the
America had a successful revolution due to the motley crew, despite the lack of recognition and amenities they received for their contributions. “A Motley Crew in the American Revolution” by Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker highlighted the motley crew for their influence on the American Revolution, and provided information and background generally not given in a standard textbook. The motley crew, comprised of sailors and slaves in a literal sense, and the urban mob in a political sense, paved the way for the American Revolution and the founding documents through rebellions, uprisings, conflicts, protests, and violence. This group of men changed the world in the opposition of forced labor, press-gangs and slavery in particular, through influencing
Band is family. When your student walks onto campus, he or she is instantly adopted into the strongest society on campus. They will be spending their school days among the top achievers on campus, with fellow students who look out for one another and steer each other away from trouble instead of towards it. Teachers, staff, parents, and volunteers watch over all the kids as if they were their own.
In band people are divided up by the instrument they play, but for each section there is also a stereotypical personality. The stereotypes for me high school band are kind of weird, but have stayed a constant norm for as long as I’ve been in band.
I'm in the band. No, scratch that; I'm more than just in the band. I am the band. Unless, of course, that makes me sound conceited. In which case, I describe myself as an integral component to the marching band. The band would never be the same without me! I admit it: I'm a band nerd, a music nut, and a clarinet geek. You can describe me with whatever phrase you want. Regardless of how you look at it, I'll always be a band geek, and I'm proud of it!
People only have passion for something they enjoy. Marching band needs to become more enjoyable for students. When you watch other bands perform, you can really tell which bands are enjoying themselves because the majority of the time they are better than the ones that just meander around playing their instrument with no real emotion. Now know that I am not saying we should just goof off more and not really do marching band, but we should make the marching show more interactive instead of just marching from one place to another. We should do more stuff like the poses at the beginning of the Batman show or how in the 80’s Show we did that lung thing during Don’t Stop Believing. Students enjoy
Whitehill, C.D. (1969). Sociological conditions which contributed to the growth of theschool band movement in the United States. Journal of Research in Music Education, 17(2), 179-192.
The people who do not believe that marching band is not a sport simply are not aware of what all it entails. Most people, as I mentioned earlier, simply just imagine someone tooting a horn when they think of a band student. If you are a band student
There is something that generally is very noticeable in every band: the gender imbalance. The gender imbalance is can be described by looking at a band and noticing the people in each section. Some have all males or at least a great majority of them, like percussion (which is drums) or low brass (tubas, baritones or trombones). While others such as high woodwinds (flutes or clarinets) have a majority female population. There are a few sections you may be able to look at and see this, such as trumpets or saxophones, but even this depends on the marching band. This is a huge problem in the marching band world and it needs to be fixed so that more people will join or continue on in their music. The reason this is a huge problem is because when someone breaks that gender imbalance, for example a guy plays the flute, then people start to target that person. He could be teased or bullied which could make him quit band. Not a lot of girls try out for low brass or percussion because they guys in the group will most likely see them as inferior and give them all kinds of crap every day. Marching band is supposed to be a community that is like a family and people should feel comfortable with whatever that choose to play. With the current gender problem, that is not happening and therefore the community as a whole is
I love marching band because, while it is so challenging and physically draining, it is also an amazing and rewarding experience. To me, band is more than a class. It’s more than an extracurricular activity or a summer pastime. Band is a way to express who you really are-- a way to find your true character. I’ve met some of the most influential people in my life through band programs, and they’ve helped me shape myself into
wardrobe, band members wear is a little different from what is trending in the modern society. Ripped skinny jeans or shoes, hoodies in the dark shaded colors are common type of clothing members wear. Additionally, many seem to understand that band individuals have poor hygiene due to how many men have long hair and not a clean cut shave. As said before, many of the stereotypes are not fully wrong. According to Makewav.es, in the article Misconceptions About Rock Music, by Maddie Smith and Talia Alvarez, who both stated, “Will not try to defend the fact that some artists in the industry, like Danny Worsnop and Ronnie Radke, are recovering addicts.” The authors explain that some truth behind what is said about alcohol or drug consumers on band members is true. It has been indicated that not just the act of a small groups has produced a negative image on people who play
They argue that there is not much to marching band. In truth, there is a lot to marching band. A person must be able to play the song on their instrument. Some instruments are even heavy. Then that person must learn the drill. After that they have to put the drill and music together. Some bands even memorize their music. These bands will do this at least three times. They will also practice basic marching. If a person works hard, they could even get a scholarship for college. In most schools a student can get a gym credit for marching band like other sports. Unlike other sports there is not a bench. Everyone plays the whole time. Finally, there is no quarters or innings. A band gets one shot to be the best. That is why marching band is a
It gave me memories, opportunities, my best friends, and the best group of seventy or more people I could have ever hoped for. Without band I would not have gone on to any of the leadership positions I acquired, would not have met my best friends from my hometown or at college, and I would not have accomplished nearly as much as I have. It gave me confidence, respect, and discipline, qualities I am very grateful to have. Above all else, it gave me music. The ability to play an instrument is something I will never lose, and a talent which allows me to express my emotions and thoughts in a less forthright manner. I firmly believe that the marching band is the soundtrack to every student’s high school career, whether they are in band or not. Because with every football game, pep rally, and national anthem they hear, a family of band nerds sat in a room for hours each week perfecting it. No high school experience is complete without the band marching on at half time, or crowds of people cheering along to the fight song or alma mater. Marching band is the kind of activity that changes you in ways you do not realize until much later when you look back on the experience. Even if you were not involved in the band- it still affects you somehow. Because it is more than music and awkward
Marching band is a very broad field to participate in. High school and college band both have specific criteria they have to meet during marching season. But what are the differences and likenesses between high school and college band? In high school band, there is one show to perform and there are many long, grueling hours spent perfecting and fine tuning it. The show is not only for halftime spectating at football games, but also band festival and regional contests. High school band has a more stern outlook because the entire season is spent working for placement, whether it be superior or not. Some bands have a more difficult time working considering obstacles such as size. Bands can range anywhere from only thirty to two hundred. With upperclassmen
been in band for three years in middle school, high school band was a whole new world full of
However, I believe that school is a place to learn and that students can wear their own clothes and parade their style after school. How can people assume that personality is all about fashion? An individual’s personality is not entirely expressed by fashion itself. Personality is assuredly determined by the way a person thinks, speaks and moves. Teenagers must understand that wearing a school uniform neither defines their personality nor erases it. It brings equality between everyone. Unfortunately, kids have forgotten about the real reason for going to school and focus on outward show and popularity. They suppose schools have become more about fashion and social interactions and not about focusing on their learning. Adolescents must comprehend the importance of focusing on their learning and understand that schools are not fashion shows. So, to complete my point I believe that a badge defines it all: “Wearing school uniform means we are all in this