The Miracle Cure or Nightmare Drug?

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The Miracle Cure or Nightmare Drug? I. Introduction It is pretty safe to say that the majority of the population, if given the opportunity, would like to be in good physical shape. For men it’s the perfect “V” shape, with muscles so finely sculpted, Michelangelo himself would be hard-pressed to mold a finer figure out of clay. For women, the desired look is the “hour glass” figure, with voluptuous breasts, thin and firm abs, and sharply defined legs. Of all those who desire to have a great body (basically everyone), an even greater majority of these people would like to achieve this with as little effort as possible. Face it, it takes discipline and dedication to mold your body to this ideal shape, but who has either one of these virtues, let alone in combination? Recent developments in the biotechnological industry boast claims that there is now a way to lose weight, gain that perfect figure we all desire, and do it all with the simple drop of a pill into our bodies. These new weight-loss products are being advertised to shed “60 pounds in four weeks!” or some other, up until this point in time, ridiculous amount of weight in such a short time. What is the secret ingredient that these companies are using to make these pills? Are their claims legit or is this one big hoax to scam innocent people by taking advantage of a basic human weakness, the desire to be physically fit with little or no effort? The answers to these questions can be answered by asking yet another question, “What is ephedra?” II. What Is Ephedra? Ephedra is an herb native to central Asia, which can also be found under the name Ma Huang. Many people get confused about the difference between ephedra and ephedrine, but the answer to ... ... middle of paper ... ...tical diet in combination with exercise. [i] A Serious Supplemental Hazard by Ltjg. Jeff Repass and HM3 Joseph Entrekin [ii] Weight Loss Thermogenesis BeTrimToo iii When the Heat is On…The Weight Come Off LE Magazine December 1998 iv The Dangers of Ephedra v Bohrer Law Firm by Philip Bohrer vi Ephedra Warnings vii Herbs of Concern by COL Allen F. Almquist viii The Sporting News by Alan Abrahamson, August 11, 2001

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