The Mental Traveller by William Blake

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“William Blake’s The Mental Traveller”

William Blake is a literature genius. Most of his work speaks volume to the readers. Blake’s poem “The Mental Traveller” features a conflict between a male and female that all readers can relate to because of the lessons learned as you read. The poet William Blake isn’t just known for just writing. He was also a well-known painter and a printmaker. Blake is considered a seminal figure in the history of poetry. His poems are from the Romantic age (The end of the 18th Century). He was born in Soho, London, Great Britain. He was the third of seven children. Even though Blake was such an inspiration as a writer he only went to school just enough to read and write. According to Bloom’s critical views on William Blake; one of Blake’s inspirations was the Bible because he believed and belonged to the Moravian Church.

William Blake first started to draw before he became a writer. His father James knew from the beginning that his son was extremely talented. From early childhood Blake spoke about of having visions, where he saw God. That’s when they realized that Blake had talented and his parents decided to home school him. He is and will always be one of Britain’s finest poems, writers, and painters. One of the most talented people of the 18th century. William Blake was born on November 28, 1757 in London. He was not recognized much during his lifetime. Blake was the one of the seven children of James and Catherine. William growing up wasn’t a fan of school. He only went

To school just to learn to read and write. After that he was home-schooled. During this period William was sent to drawing class, a school named Henry Par’s drawing School, which is where he found his love for poetr...

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...cause not getting it as a child he didn’t know how to feel about most things.

In collusion this is an astonishing poem which I did not expect because of its length and the time period it was written. As I read this poem I realize why Blake is reconsidering such an amazing writer. Even after so many years we are still admiring his work (Nurmi, Martin)

Works Cited

Bloom, Harold. "Critical View on "The Mental Traveller" by Northrop Frye." William Blake. Broomall, PA: Chelsea House, 2003. 66-67. Print.

Bloom, Harold. ""The Mental Traveller" Standing Alone." William Blake. Broomall, PA: Chelsea House, 2003. 74-77. Print.

Bloom, Harold. "The Mental Traveller." William Blake. Broomall, PA: Chelsea House, 2003. 63-65. Print.

Nurmi, Martin K. "Joy, Love, and Innocence in Blake's “The Mental Traveller"" William Blake: The Politics of Vision (1946): 81-82. Web

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