The Matron's Descriptive Essay: Double Doors

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The train clattered along the track, its shrill bursts of steam and grinding gears matching the snaps and misfires of her internal wiring. Though they’d done their best to assess and repair the damage, the asylum simply wasn’t equipped to deal with the intricate mechanisms of an e unit. Especially one with battlefield experience. Anne fussed with the leather clasps on her handbag, grateful for its weight on her lap as it fixed her in place. In this world, because she was nearly lost in memory. If she’d been capable of speech when she’d arrived at the asylum’s imposing double doors, she would have saved them the trouble. A bit of time and her programming would mend what human hands could not. Once her restoration program was complete, she’d …show more content…

Either she’d find a way to manage her newfound state, or she’d go mad and compromise her efforts to seek refuge in the neutral zone. “You mustn’t tell anyone what you are, not a single soul,” the asylum matron had warned. “But what am I?” she’d asked, memories a whirling fog of anguish, bloodshed, and the shrill cries of the dying. “A weapon. A secret.” The matron’s gaze softened. “And a spirited young thing who deserves a second chance.” She spun Anne to face the long mirror embedded in the wardrobe door. “This red hair of yours will draw enough unwanted attention, best to keep it restrained.” Parting Anne’s thick locks down the middle, her fingers set to work creating two simple plaits. When she finished, the matron eyed Anne’s reflection. “You’ll pass for twelve. Eleven if you’re lucky. Never set that hair free, my dear, or the jig’s up.” She loosened the braids at the nape of Anne’s neck. “Be sure to always hide the mark.” Anne gently traced the brand at the base of her hairline. A lowercase, italic e made of an intricate crosshatching of black lines - her model and serial number. The pattern unique to Anne, each e unit could be tracked and located with a single scan by one of the Magistrate’s …show more content…

“No thank you, sir,” Anne said, twisting out of his reach and hopping from the train. “There’s knack to holding it, if you don’t mind.” She glanced over the near empty platform. “It appears I’m to wait for my ride.” The thought wasn’t oppressive. Avonlea was a variable paradise. Gone were the wastelands of the outer provinces, replaced by lush grasses, strong and tall green trees, and a bright blue sky as far as the eye could see. Bees hummed and birds chirped amongst the treetops. Instead of recycled oxygen, here the air smelled of sunshine and warm apple pie. “Train’s early,” the stationmaster said. “Do you wish to go inside to the lady’s waiting room?” Hope lodged firmly in Anne’s heart. “I do believe I’ll wait outside. Right there on that bench.” She grinned. “So much more scope for the imagination, don’t you agree?” “I suppose…” the man muttered, but his doubt was lost on Anne, who’d already plunked down on the bench and was staring up into the heavens with unrestrained joy. She had done it. She’d left pain and terror behind and stepped into the light. Nothing would take this new world from her. No thing. And no one. A tremulous smile pulled at the corners of her mouth. Avonlea had a new protector. Lord save them

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