The Lottery Symbolism Analysis

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Shirley Jackson’s short story, “The Lottery”, uses symbols to develop the theme in effort to help others see the problems that arise from blindly following their superiors. This was most likely in response to World War Two, which had ended a few years before. A symbol is a person, place, object, action, or event that can be understood on two levels: its literal meaning, and a more complex meaning or range of meanings. It’s often used to enhance the theme, or the underlying message behind the story. Jackson uses the symbolism in the setting, the shock that comes at the end of the story, and the character of her protagonist, Tessie Hutchinson to tie together to form an intriguing story that weaves together to demonstrate why blind submission …show more content…

When reading the story, we’re lead to believe that the lottery is a grand old tradition that used to be idealized and loved. “[The children] broke into boisterous play…and the children came reluctantly, having to be called four or five times” after collecting stones in their pockets and making piles around the area (Jackson 263). We’re given hints that the lottery is not what it amounts to be, such as “The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool,” but fail to see their importance in the story until the end, where we learn that the lottery is instead, condemning a neighbor to death (Jackson 264). The fact that there were hints leading up to the death tells us a lot about what we perceive. Because there was no indication the story would be so cruel, we didn’t expect them to, and had no idea what was going to happen. When compared to the mass genocide that took place in a few years prior, Hitler was initial trying to help his country reclaim the fame it once had. He had upheld traditions, and would continue to do so, but the tradition was lost. Who could have …show more content…

At the beginning of the story, we see her desiring going to the lottery. She was laughing, joking, and encouraging her husband to go up and get a drawing when he didn’t move right away. She never would have suspected her family would be chosen, and furthermore, herself. Jackson creates a great contrast between Tessie’s nonchalance and the crowd’s nervousness (Yarmove). When her family is chosen, her character changes around knowing that there’s the possibility of her own death. Tessie’s character change is shocking, but falls into place with the holocaust. She symbolizes the human instinct of survival, and tries to offer up her own children and their families to lower her chances of death. In Yarmove’s analysis of Jackson’s work, he writes “It is the peevish last complaint of a hypocrite who has been hoisted by her own petard” to drive this thought home. The Nazis involved in the roundup of the ‘lesser’ people, alongside with whoever aided, did so because either they were naïve enough to believe they wouldn’t be killed themselves, or because they believed in the cause. Tessie symbolizes those who did so because they thought they wouldn’t be

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