The Lottery Rhetorical Analysis

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In the past few days, we have read a lot of short stories, and we have learned different rhetorical devices, how to make the story more vivid. This essay will be based around some short stories we have read, they all used the irony of the narrative and the authors use it as a euphemism to express their discontent or to the irony of the characters. The use of irony can use indirect ways to make the reader realize the disadvantages from another perspective. The first story is Hey last come out, ironically, the story because people believe they have found a solution for the giant hole, to solve all the dangerous wastes, they created but they don't realize is that they just throw the rubbish in his head. When they found that the hole seemed to have no bottom, they threw things they didn't want into it, so the waste wouldn't bother anyone. It's kind of like sweeping something under the carpet, not …show more content…

The story is about a happy day and a party in a village. All the images and descriptions in the sentence give the reader a feeling of happiness, happiness, and growth. But that's not the case. Readers don't know what a "lottery ticket" is, but their hypothesis or expectation is that it is a normal, happy town activity. Jackson wrote, therefore, "the lottery" has been compared to most readers will experience the other events of comparison. But, as readers will see again, the lottery is not an event like this at all. Just before the lottery, Jackson described to Mrs. Hutchinson be caring and attentive, these words, and general casual and friendly tone, make readers believe that will happen is nice or interesting. The reader waits for something beautiful, and when the reader finally realizes that the lottery is a ritual, one of the village's members is stoned to death by another villager. Therefore, contrary to the expectations of readers, what happens through the author's tone and language is situational

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