The Lottery By Shirley Jackson Response To Change

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Human Adaption to Change

Innovation, advancement and development are all factors of change. Visualize a world where everyone is the same, all mentally at the same stage of life never being able to move on. Change is what helps us as humans develop to the next stages in our lives by creating events that cause us to react and then learn from our reactions. Change affects millions of people around the world each day. For humans change can be grueling to adapt to, although in a few rare cases it seems to come naturally. The resistance to accept change is at the human core. In both short stories “A Rose for Emily” and “The lottery” the characters refuse to accept change as a result they are stuck in the past unable to make advancements and …show more content…

The story takes place on June 27 in a unpretentious town the day the annual lottery takes place. During the beginning Jackson describes this day as being a momentous day for the town. Children are outside playing and collecting rocks, men talk about plants and rain while women share gossip. Jackson eludes that this is a tradition that's been performed for several years. Towards the end a women named Tessie “wins” the lottery although she doesn't win a prize. The town and her own family stone her to death. The characters in this story complete this tradition because it's what has been passed on generation to generation. Jackson shows the characters conflict to accept change when she expresses “over in the north village they're talking of giving up the lottery. Old Man Warner says, ‘Pack of crazy fools listening to the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work any more, live hat way for a while. There's always been a lottery.’”(Jackson4). With the information provided we can establish the reluctance of the characters to accept change to their tradition. They believe that somehow this tradition keeps them civil, little do they know it holding them back. That being the case they can't move forward and do other productive activities that would befit their lives unlike the lottery which has no benefit other than to kill one innocent person every year. During the story Jackson describes an ancient lottery box which is falling apart yet, the town refuses to buy a new one, because they feel that this box has been there since the beginning and it would be wrong to dispose of it. This box symbolizes the tradition that they don't want to give up. Moving on from a tradition is always difficult because it what you have been raised to believe in. In summary, the people of the Lottery are afraid to give up their tradition

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