The Lost And Found

772 Words2 Pages

Screaming back and forth was my life. All I ever heard were screams of profanity in my dreams. My eyes would be closed yet in my heart I could still see the conflict. My limbs were numb but I could still feel the tension. I was here in this world stuck in the middle of my life, in the middle of nowhere with no one. My life involves nothing but books and the dull nature that can be found outdoors, though it seems to me that it is always raining. Maybe it is just perceived that way due to my dreams being drenched and stained with tears. Knowing this, books have usually been my only true escape.Though, there was one book in particular that brought my heart to my throat. It was the book next to my bed, laying there innocently yet still taunting me. The silver title blazes towards me. The words are beckoning me to feel the leather cover. I know that I am not worthy of looking upon it. I stand and stare, wanting to open these many stories to life and revival, but my hindering sight doesn't allow me to. How do these two meaningless words bring together such emotion and evoke the true thoughts of the helpless flesh of this world? The word known only as a book for Greeks is complemented with the word for true consecrated devotion, yet what can this mean? Some sort of "Holy" book will save me? I love books and I am a writer, but can words truly save my soul? I fall back onto my bed feeling diminished by my own thoughts and lay in my room with my quiet, still life. I am a loving, ecstatic human being, but I get the feeling of being oppressed by every situation I encounter. Where am I, where have I truly gone? No answers surface so, I go back to my previous engagements and continue in my existence. I wanted to be greater in my life, but... ... middle of paper ... ...for so long, my refuge has been here the whole time. I stand to make the commitment a reality. I feel the buzz of energy and I have been blessed. I run rampantly trying to capture the words to my inspiration. I hear the voice of hope call me to a greater purpose! I see the true answers that are buried in the black print. I feel the bound leather and run my fingers delicately over the beautifully crafted cover and caress the satin light blue bookmark sticking between the stark white pages. Here in this room, with these noble words of God, I been liberated. I have retrieved strength and my heart is overflowing with agape love! I'm empowered as I read this book of wisdom and feel the true limitlessness of life, love, and strength given to me through the Savior. I stand tall and know the presence of peace in my heart and step out ready to live an abundant and zoe life!

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