The Lindbergh Kidnapping

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The Lindbergh Kidnapping
Crimes happen all the time. But when it happens to young children who have no way of defending themselves, and hasn’t lived their life to the fullest, it becomes a whole other thing. 
Kids are innocent, and nobody ever wants to see them hurt. That is why it was such a big shock, when the crime of the century was a kidnapping and murder of an infant.
The Lindbergh kidnapping shocked Americans everywhere, and made them realize the possible dangers of celebrities having children who are famous, even before they are born because of their parents. It influenced the way parents choose to raise their children, especially famous children.

That is what happened to the famous aviator, and his wife’s 20 month old baby. 
Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean by himself, therefore everyone loved him. When he and his wife Anne Morrow Lindbergh got their first-born baby together, everyone loved him even before he was born. June 22, 1930 Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. was born.
From the very start the media wanted the scoop on everything with him; they called him ‘The Eaglet’. He got that name, because the media had already given Mr. Lindbergh the nick name “The Lone Eaglet”, since he was the first one to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean.
Two months before the actual kidnapping Charles Lindbergh, Charles Jr.’s father actually played a prank on the household pretending the baby was kidnapped.

Because he was everyone’s sweetheart, the press was all over the family to get the new pictures. That is why the already famous husband and wife took their now famous child, and moved into another house. They were trying to escape the limelight by building a 20-room house in an exclusive spot...

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...d out the killer were a German, they wanted to see him dead.
Everything at the time just came to be just a horrible mix, everyone were scared and very emotional.
This also made everyone realize the danger of letting kids be without supervision at all times, especially when you think about they put the Lindbergh baby on a pedestal, and he still got kidnapping and killed. They couldn’t help but be terrified of what could happen to their kids who weren’t even close to being as fortunate as Charles Jr.

Works cited:
(“The Theft of the Eaglet”) (“PBS”) Works cited:
(“The Theft of the Eaglet”) (“PBS”)

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