The Life in a Concentration Camp

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A life in a concentration camp was a daily living nightmare for the unfortunate people who were prisoners. At 4 a.m. in the morning the Kapo (an inmate in charge of a work team, mostly real criminals like a pervert, willing to do anything to keep their position at the camp) would waken the prisoners. If prisoners couldn't find their shoes, it meant they could not work and if they were not able to work, that often left them to death. ( ) The prisoners slept on straw mattresses that needs to be made in a perfect military manner. ( ) The Kapo knows it is nearly impossible to make but the bettenbau (a way to make the bed following very strict rules) was just an opportunity for the Kapo's to beat the prisoners. ( ) After the bed was made, the prisoners ran out of the barrack to reach the couple of sanitary facilities the camp held for the hundreds of prisoners. ( ) Prisoners only had a few minutes to wash up before the morning roll call and if there were any stragglers the Kapo's would beat them to near death. ( ) Whether it is snowing or raining the prisoners dead and alive had to be in rows of tens. ( ) The Kapo's counted the prisoners under the SS guards and officers control and if a mistake was made during the counting the Kapo's had to recount and that made the Kops dangerous and nervous. ( ) During roll call, the prisoners must stand at attention, several prisoners caught a cold dying days later and some during roll call. ( ) The prisoners' clothes were rough and did not protect them against the weather. ( ) To any prisoners that were dead the night before or during roll were sent to crematories after roll call. ( ) The prisoners must have their mess-tin in their hands and if they did not have it, then they were not getting any...

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...he mobile gassing trucks. They led the Jews into a sealed truck where the exhaust gas from the engine was led into the truck and the Jews were suffocated to death. A popular execution of the concentration camps like to use were the gas chambers. The Jews were forced into these chambers, where they used exhaust fumes or Zyklon B to gas the Jews to their death. Hangings were only done in the camp, but the shootings and the killing in the gas chambers were done in public. This was done to intimidate the witnesses, people who aided the people who escaped, and prisoners who tried to escape.

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