The Lebensborn Project Essay

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Olivia Buckley

The Lebensborn project was established to create a “master race” of “genetically pure” kids. This experiment had long lasting effects on the kids who were a result of this project. This project took place during WWII. The Germans envisioned a superior race and attempted to wipe out all other inferior genes to create this race.
In German, the literal meaning of Lebensborn is “Fount of Life” which can be interpreted as the fountain of life or new lives. Heinrich Himmler was the mastermind behind the Lebensborn project. He was a personal bodyguard to Hitler and introduced the idea racial selection and marriage laws to Hitler (:Heinrich Himmler”). Soon Himmler became an asset to Hitler and a valued member of the Schutzstaffel (S.S). …show more content…

These clinics were located throughout Nazi controlled areas which included ten in Germany, nine in Norway, and two in Austria. Belgium, Holland, France, Luxembourg and Denmark each had one clinic (“The Nazi Party: The Lebensborn Program”). The Nazis believed that children needed to have certain genetics in order to be considered superior which is why the Lebensborn Project was created.
The first Lebensborn home was opened in Steinhoering, Germany 1936. The homes were furnished with furniture and decorations from Jewish houses that were raided (“The Nazi Party:The Lebensborn Program”). Inside a home in Bavaria, there were about 40 other women/girls living there plus the SS officers who bred with them (“The Woman Who Gave Birth For Hitler”).
There were many different rooms in the houses that the girls lived in. In the Bavaria house, there were rooms for sports and games called common rooms, a library, music room, and a cinema that the women could go to, to help pass time away (“The Woman Who Gave Birth For Hitler”). These homes also had an abundant number of servants; therefore, the women didn’t have to work around the homes (“The Woman Who Gave Birth For

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