The Kite Runner Analysis

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A climax is the most intense or important point of a piece of text. Within the Kite Runner, the climax occurs when Amir goes to meet Assef who becomes a Taliban and who has imprisoned Sohrab under his control . Amir goes to rescue him and a fight breaks out. Sohrab who is like his father, without hesitation saves Amir with a deadly slingshot. The climax of the novel is significant as it brings to light the progression of Amir as a character, who effectively distances himself from his old self and matures as a character through atoning not just his sins ‘but for Baba’s too’. He had previously failed to act upon his mistakes as he continued to suffer from an addiction that required him to try and seek Baba’s approval, which seamlessly remained lost in Amir’s life, therefore he fell into a lost of direction as to what was right and wrong. The climax shifts the novel from a search of father’s affection to a novel of a search of redemption for past sins, which in the novel have acted like a plague on Amir, who continues to suffer both mentally and physically from his guilt eating him alive. The bloodshed through the beating Amir gets from Assef marks a comparison to the bloodshed by Hassan during his rape in chapter 7. By suggesting that blood symbolizes an establishment of connection, it could be argued that Amir’s sacrifice in the climax for Sohrab re-establishes his connection with Hassan, who in chapter 7 and chapter 17 sacrificed himself for Amir. Hosseini through the symbolism of blood instills how ‘blood is a powerful thing’ and how connections between family can be strengthened by the worse of events that inflict pain and guilt, but also carry an individual’s responsibility to search for peace. Amir ultimately breaks the cyc... ... middle of paper ... ...ed that the whole of the poem sustains almost like a increase in tension between time and the lovers. The poem’s conclusion incorporates the poet’s attitude to the subject of the war in which she highlights the devastating nature of war and how lives continue to fall victim to the destruction it brings through the embedment of uncaring and ruthless acts that connects to war, particularly Skene is forces to end his wife’s life and his own. The repetition of ‘gained’, ‘time’, ‘close’ and ‘kiss’ depict the loss of time associated with war, there is no time to think and that you are struck in destruction with ‘a hundred, a thousand to one’ chance of survival, whilst death continues to gain. It could be possibly suggested that the repetition of ‘goodbye’ can depict that war would soon be the end of earth, which would be destroyed by the evil breeded by its very nature.

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