The Insecurity Depicted In The Short Story 'Broken Chain' By Gary Soto

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In the short story "Broken Chain" by Gary Soto, the main conflict that Alfonso faces in the story is his problems with his insecurities. One insecurity that Alfonso has is that he doesn't like his teeth. Why he's insecure about his teeth is because he feels as tho they are too crooked and everyone else's teeth are straight so, he feels like people won't like him if he smiles. Another insecurity that he has is that he doesn't feel like he can talk to girls. He's insecure about talking to girls because he's afraid that girls won't like him, and also if he talks to them they would just make fun of him. Also one more insecurity he has is that he feels like he's fat. Why he's insecure about feeling fat is because he wants to be like all the other

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